John & Alex

Matched Since 2021

John & Alex spend time together talking about cars, playing video games like Clash of Clans and board games like Ticket to Ride. The duo love to frequent Zander’s Game House in Camarillo.  
Alex  talks about his dream of becoming a restaurant owner who employs and serves persons with disabilities.  John encourages Alex and gives him advice and support.
Imagine the impact you simply take the time to connect with a young person in your community. When you're matched with a mentee, it's not about changing your schedule, it's about sharing who you are...

Mentoring is Our Mission


  • Lisa and Maite

    Lisa and Maite

    Lisa & Maite love baking together, wearing matching aprons & sharing their baked goods with loved ones.

  • Shawn and Evan

    Shawn and Evan

    Evan has been Shawn’s Little Brother for 3 years. They enjoy hikes & beach exploration for sea glass.  

  • Abigale and Alexia

    Abigale and Alexia

    During the pandemic, Alexia had a drive-through birthday party and Abigale helped set it up & celebrate it!

  • Kurtis and Chris

    Kurtis and Chris

    They would walk the dog & be on the hunt for the best french Fries. They're still in contact even though Curtis Moved.

  • John and Alex

    John and Alex

    John has constantly encouraged Alex's interests in car mechanics. They enjoy telling jokes & just hanging out.

  • Kevin and Dorian

    Kevin and Dorian

    Dorian knows he can count on Kevin no matter. He tells Kevin everything, they love video games & enjoy hanging out.